Tuesday, October 30, 2018

Part 3 (1921-1930)

References & Accompanying Content for 1921

1921-1An Appreciation of the Book of Mormon,” and “Items From The
Mission Field,” The Young Woman's Journal, Organ of the Young Ladies’ Mutual
Improvement Assoc., Edited and Published by the General Board, Volume XXXII

An Appreciation of the Book of Mormon.
Senior Course of Study, Lesson XV.

But just as the Book of Mormon predicts, we now see the prophecy
fulfilled--there are no Nephites, but the Lamanites still exist as our
Indian friends.  p. 103 my emphasis

Items From The Mission Field
The Y.L.M.I.A. in the Samoan Mission by Thurza A. Adams

The subject of study is usually the Book of Mormon, as we endeavor to lead
the Samoans to an acquaintance with the history of their Israelite
forefathers.  This modern scripture, released from Cumorah’s embrace of the
centuries and now translated into their language, is of especial significance to
all these brown South Sea Islanders, as their origin converges together
2521 years ago to Father Lehi.   p. 440  my emphasis

1921-2:  October 1921 Conference Report, Elder Andrew Jenson

“There are two things which deeply impressed me, while on this special
mission--something that I cannot dismiss from my mind upon my return home.  
One of these is the predictions contained in the Book of Mormon concerning
the Indians, or Lamanites, the aborigines of this western hemisphere

The remnants of the House of Israel, now known as the North American
Indians, have so far disappointed us to a certain extent.  We have had
missionaries among the Indians since the beginning of 1831...and their labors
have resulted in bringing a still smaller number of Lamanites to the knowledge
of the truth ...In view of these facts, some of us have been led to query:  How
shall the predictions of the Book of Mormon regarding the Lamanites be
fulfilled?  And will they ever become a white and delightsome people

We, therefore cast a glance southward into old Mexico and through the great
countries beyond--down through Central America and South America,
where there are millions and millions of Lamanites, direct descendants of
Father Lehi…”  pp. 119-120     my emphasis

1921-3:  Saturday Night Thought,” by Elder Orson F. Whitney,
The Deseret News 1921, Copyright 1921 by Heber J. Grant Trustee-in-Trust


...under the sanction of the General Authorities of the Church, the
“Saturday Night Thoughts” were compiled for republication, and the
result is here presented.
May 1921                                                                                    The Author

Article Five-The Land of Zion

The Angel Moroni.--...The Angel gave his name as Moroni, and declared
that while in this mortal life he had ministered as a prophet to an ancient
people called Nephites, a branch of the house of Israel,...a portion of the
tribe of Joseph, mixed with a remnant with the tribe of Judah [Page 32:
The Jewish remnant that mixt with the descendants of Lehi was headed by
Mulek, one of the sons of king Zedekiah…].  The former had crossed over
from Jerusalem about the year 600 B.C.; the others a few years later.  These
blended colonies had inhabited the Americas down to about the beginning of
the fourth century of the christian era, when the civilized though degenerate
Nephites were destroyed by a savage faction known as Lamanites,
ancestors of the American Indians.  p. 31    my emphasis

1921-4:  My Reasons For Joining the COJCOLDS” by R.M. Bryce Thomas,
1921 Ed., Publd by the Missions of the COJCOLDS [11 separate missions listed]

The book [Book of Mormon] which contains the history of a colony of Israelites
of the tribe of Joseph (Ephraim) who left Jerusalem 600 years B.C., and came
to America, and who afterwards multiplied very rapidly and grew into two great
nations called the Nephites and the Lamanites.  The latter, after many years of
warfare, eventually exterminated the former, owing to the fact that the Nephites
had departed from the commandments of God, but the Lamanites had
themselves become, even before they had destroyed the Nephites, a dark and
benighted people, under a curse from God on account of their gross iniquities
and infidelity. (These Lamanites are American Indians and belong to the tribe of
Ephraim, are therefore Israelites.)    p. 27 my emphasis

The voice of the ancient prophets and seers of the tribe of Ephraim (the
Lamanites or American Indians) has now at last spoken out of the dust
(Isaiah 29:4) in the discovery of their writings on the plates of gold, which
had been buried in the hill Cumorah, and they testify to Christ…    
p. 29   my emphasis

References & Accompanying Content for 1922

1922-1:  April 1922 Conference Repost, President Heber J. Grant, p.12
Significant Conference Themes,”* by President Heber J. Grant, p. 717, April
1922 General Conference, June 1922 Improvement Era, *Opening address at
the Ninety-Second Conference of the Church, April 6, 1922.

Joseph declared that three years after the First Vision...an angel of God
appeared and delivered a message to him;...that there were buried, in the Hill
Cumorah, some gold plates upon which was inscribed the sacred history of
the forefathers of the American Indians…The plates have been translated
and the translation is now known as the Book of Mormon.     my emphasis

1922-2: Essentials in Church History,” by Joseph Fielding Smith, Published by
the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints 1922, Copyright 1922 by Heber
J. Grant Trustee-in-Trust for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints
Guide for Essentials in Church History,” June 1922 Improvement Era,
To Presidents of Stakes and Bishops of Wards,
    Dear Brethren:--Your attention is called to the new text for the Melchizedek
Priesthood quorums of the Church, the study of which began January 1, 1922.  
We refer to the “Essentials of Church History,” by Elder Joseph Fielding
Smith,...which is designed to be the textbook for the Melchizedek
Priesthood quorums and Priests for the years 1922 and ‘23
Besides giving the high points in Church history, it is a guide in the development
of the doctrines of the Church...as well as with the essentials in Church
history...  pp. 559-60   my emphasis               Roger Clawson, Chairman
                                                                In behalf of the Committee on Courses
                                                                 of Study for the Priesthood Quorums)

The Mission to the Lamanites.--The Lord, in this revelation, appointed Oliver
Cowdery to take a mission to the Lamanites in the west, “and inasmuch as
they receive thy teachings,” it read, “thou shalt cause my Church to be
established among them.”...    p. 112 my emphasis

The Second Conference of the Church.--...Special prayer was offered in
behalf of Oliver Cowdery and Peter Whitmer, Jr., who was called to go to the
Lamanites.  Peter Whitmer, Jr., was called by revelation at this conference to
that mission… p. 114    my emphasis

The Call to Ziba Peterson and Parley P. Pratt.--A great desire being made
manifest on the part of others to accompany Oliver Cowdery and Peter Whitmer,
Jr., to the Lamanites, it was made a matter of inquiry before the Lord...Returning
to Fayette, Parley P. Pratt was appointed by revelation to take the missionary
journey with Oliver Cowdery to the borders of Missouri, among the Lamanites.
pp. 114-15  my emphasis

The Missionaries Depart.--In the fall of 1830, these four missionaries started on
their journey to the west...Near Buffalo, New York, they visited the Catteraugus
Indians and left two copies of the Book of Mormon with members of the tribe who
could read,... p. 115   my emphasis

The Journey Continued.--...Arriving near the border of Ohio, the missionaries
spent some days among the Wyandots [Indian Tribe], who received them kindly
and rejoiced in the story of their fathers as they learned it from the Book of
Mormon...They reached Independence [Jackson county, Missouri] early in the year
1831;...  p. 116-17 my emphasis

The Book of Mormon Taken to the Lamanites.--In the Land of the Lamanites, the
elders preached the Gospel to the Delawares [Indians], presenting them with the
Book of Mormon which they received with rejoicing.  Oliver Cowdery explained to
them in detail the coming forth of the Book of Mormon...The Indians answered them
by saying:  “We feel thankful to our white friends who have come so far,...to tell us
the good news, and especially this new news concerning the book of our
forefathers;...This good labor, however, was not to last,...the Indian agents
ordered the missionaries out of Indian country...With disappointment they withdrew
and thus ended the first mission to the Lamanites.  However, they declared the
message of salvation to three great tribes, the Catteraugus [Indian tribe], in New
York, the Wyandots [Indian tribe] of Ohio, and the Delawares [Indian tribe], west
of Missouri. p. 117-118   my emphasis

References & Accompanying Content for 1923

1923-1:  An Invitation,” September 1923 Improvement ERA (Organ of the
Priesthood Quorums, The Young Men’s Mutual Improvement Association
and the Schools of the COJCOLDS) Published Monthly by The General
Board Y.M.M.I.A

The Book of Mormon is a record of the people of Nephi, who some
600 years before Christ, peopled the American continent; and of their
descendants, the Indians, or Lamanites;...  p. 951 my emphasis

1923-2:  The Coming Forth of the Book of Mormon by President Charles W.
Penrose, Published by The General Board Y.M.M.I.A, September 1923
Improvement ERA (Organ of the Priesthood Quorums, The Young Mens’...of

“The manifestation through Moroni a hundred years ago unfolded the only

authentic record of the origin of the American Indians.” [not some of
the Indians, but ALL of the Indians in America?]       p. 955 my emphasis

1923-3:  October 1923 Conference Report, Elder Melvin J. Ballard

To Bring to Pass the Redemption of the Lamanites

For this very purpose, therefore, were these plates preserved, to bring to
pass the redemption of the children of father Lehi, known in North
and South America, in Central America, and in Mexico, as the American
Indians and some of the natives upon the isles of the sea. . . I wish to
bear witness to you that their redemption shall come, and that the day of
their redemption is near at hand, when these thousands, yea these millions
of Lamanites on this Western Continent who have the blood of Lehi in
their veins, or of his descendants, shall be touched by the power of the
Almighty, and the day of their redemption, when it does come, will be one of
power.   pp. 28-29   my emphasis

1923-4:  A Young Folks’ History of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day
Saints, by Nephi Anderson, Copyright 1923 by David O. McKay for the Deseret
Sunday School Union, Published by the Deseret Book Company 1923

Chapter V.  The Book of Mormon

The Lamanites kept driving the Nephites further north, until they reached what

is now the United States.  Around a hill in the western part of the state of New
York, then called Cumorah, what was left of the Nephites gathered for the last
struggle.  The Lamanites met them, and there was a great battle in which all but
a very few of the Nephites were killed.  Thus ended the Nephite nation, not quite
400 years after Christ, and the Lamanites or Indians have lived there ever since.  
After Moroni had seen his people destroyed he hid all the records in the hill
Cumorah, from which, as we have learned, Joseph Smith obtained them.   
p. 27   my emphasis

Chapter X.  The Mission to the Indians

You will remember that the Book of Mormon tells about the early history of
the Indians. In this book it is predicted that some day the gospel would be preached
to them, and the record of their forefathers should also be brought to their
knowledge.  At the second conference of the Church held in Fayette, September
1st, Oliver Cowdery, Parley P. Pratt, Ziba Peterson and Peter Whitmer, Jr., were
called to go on a mission to the Indians.  They were to go...through the
western states and into Indian Territory,... [D&C…]

It was late in October when these four Elders started on this the first important
mission of the Church.  They preached to some Indians near the city of
Buffalo,...p. 43   my emphasis
In western Ohio the missionaries found another tribe of Indians with
whom they stayed a few days…The missionaries therefore walked...across
the state of Missouri to its western boundary…

For days they had nothing to eat but cornbread and frozen pork; but at last
they reached the town of Independence, in Jackson county, Missouri, which
was then near to Indian country.

The elders now took up their labors among the Indians. They were
kindly received, and the chief called a counsel, which Oliver Cowdery
addressed...   p. 45 my emphasis

1923-5: Essentials in Church History,” by Joseph Fielding Smith, Published by
the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints 1922, Copyright 1922 by Heber
J. Grant Trustee-in-Trust for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints
(“Guide for Essentials in Church History,” June 1922 Improvement Era,
To Presidents of Stakes and Bishops of Wards,
   Dear Brethren:--Your attention is called to the new text for the Melchizedek
Priesthood quorums of the Church, the study of which began January 1,
1922.  We refer to the “Essentials of Church History,” by Elder Joseph Fielding
Smith,...which is designed to be the textbook for the Melchizedek
Priesthood quorums and Priests for the years 1922 and ‘23
Besides giving the high points in Church history, it is a guide in the Development
of the doctrines of the Church...as well as with the essentials in Church
history...  pp. 559-60   my emphasis              Roger Clawson, Chairman
                                                               In behalf of the Committee on Courses

                                                                of Study for the Priesthood Quorums)

The Mission to the Lamanites.--The Lord, in this revelation, appointed
Oliver Cowdery to take a mission to the Lamanites in the west, “and
inasmuch as they receive thy teachings,” it read, “thou shalt cause my
Church to be established among them.”...    p. 112 my emphasis

The Second Conference of the Church.--...Special prayer was offered in
behalf of Oliver Cowdery and Peter Whitmer, Jr., who was called to go to
the Lamanites.  Peter Whitmer, Jr., was called by revelation at this
conference to that mission… p. 114    my emphasis

The Call to Ziba Peterson and Parley P. Pratt.--A great desire being
made manifest on the part of others to accompany Oliver Cowdery and
Peter Whitmer, Jr., to the Lamanites, it was made a matter of inquiry
before the Lord...Returning to Fayette, Parley P. Pratt was appointed by
revelation to take the missionary journey with Oliver Cowdery to the
borders of Missouri, among the Lamanites.   pp. 114-15  my emphasis

The Missionaries Depart.--In the fall of 1830, these four missionaries
started on their journey to the west...Near Buffalo, New York, they visited
the Catteraugus Indians and left two copies of the Book of Mormon with
members of the tribe who could read,...       p. 115 my emphasis

The Journey Continued.--...Arriving near the border of Ohio, the
missionaries spent some days among the Wyandots [Indian Tribe], who
received them kindly and rejoiced in the story of their fathers as they
learned it from the Book of Mormon...They reached Independence
[Jackson county, Missouri] early in the year 1831;... p. 116-17  my emphasis

The Book of Mormon Taken to the Lamanites.--In the Land of the
Lamanites, the elders preached the Gospel to the Delawares [Indians],
presenting them with the Book of Mormon which they received with rejoicing.  
Oliver Cowdery explained to them in detail the coming forth of the Book of
Mormon...The Indians answered them by saying:  “We feel thankful to our
white friends who have come so far,...to tell us the good news, and
especially this new news concerning the book of our forefathers;...
This good labor, however, was not to last,...the Indian agents ordered the
missionaries out of Indian country...With disappointment they withdrew
and thus ended the first mission to the Lamanites.  However, they
declared the message of salvation to three great tribes, the Catteraugus
[Indian tribe], in New York, the Wyandots [Indian tribe] of Ohio, and the
Delawares [Indian tribe], west of Missouri.     p. 117-118 my emphasis

1923-6:  Mormonism...,” by B.H. Roberts, Press of Zion’s Printing and
Publishing Co. 1923, Copyright by Joseph F. Smith for the COJCOLDS
Mormonism.  A Word With The Reader.
This brochure is issued under the authority of the Church of Jesus Christ
of Latter-day Saints. It is, therefore, an authoritative utterance upon the
subject of which it treats…

Origin and History of Mormonism
The Jaredites were destroyed about the time that the Israelites [Lehi’s colony]
came from Jerusalem, who succeeded them in the inheritance of the country
[ancient America].  The principle nation of the second race [the Nephites] fell in
battle towards the close of the fourth century (A.D.)  The remnant [Lamanites]
are now the Indians that now inhabit this country.      p. 12   my emphasis

References & Accompanying Content for 1924

1924-1: Our Church and People,” Written for the Deseret Sunday School
Union by John Henry  Evans, Published by The Deseret Book Co. 1924,
Copyright 1924 by David O. McKay for the Deseret Sunday School Union

Chapter IX, The Book With Golden Leaves

"Before his death,..., Moroni had prepared a book of gold plates, on which
was engraved the history of his people, the ancestors of the ignorant
and wandering tribes of American red men...."   p. 68    my emphasis

Chapter XI, The Red Man’s Bible
The Lamanites lived a wild, care-free life, true ancestors of the roaming
red men [Indians or aborigines of America] of this country [America]….At
times we find them amenable to the teachings of their betters, who were
always eager to convert them, but generally they were as we have just
described them. In time they [the Indians, red men or aborigines of
America] were “cursed” with a “dark skin.” p. 81 my emphasis

References & Accompanying Content for 1925

1925-1: October 1925 Conference Report, Elder Rey L. Pratt

I am indeed happy to have been deemed worthy to be the least of the three
chosen to go into the land of South America for the purpose of establishing
a mission there, and opening up in that land the work of the Lord for the
preaching of the gospel to our Father's children who reside there. Particularly
am I happy, my brethren and sisters, in the thought that the gospel is to be
carried to more of our Father's children in the house of Israel, verily the
Lamanite people, who reside upon this land of America; and my heart has
been thrilled, my brethren and sisters, with the sure and faithful teachings
of this conference.  p. 169-170

...The people that we go to preach to are of the House of Israel, of Joseph,
through Manasseh principally,...  p. 170 my emphasis

I wish to call your attention to the fact that so far this year already in the
Mexican Mission many pure-blooded Lamanites have been baptized.  
Yes, even more than were baptized during the ministration of Moses Thatcher,
as president of the Mexican mission, with those who succeeded him;...
p. 173   my emphasis

References & Accompanying Content for 1926

1926-1: “The Young Woman's Journal," Organ of the Young Ladies’ Mutual
Improvement Association Volume XXXVII, Edited and Published by the
General Board, The Deseret News 1926

Lesson V--Hidden Gospel Records

Besides, the book tells of the Lamanites--the brother-descendants of the
Nephites, who remain to the present as the American Indians
p. 688 my emphasis

The Latter-day Prophet.
VII--Home of the Saints
Kirtland, Ohio (1831).
The mission to the Indians was appointed by a revelation to the Prophet
Joseph Smith while the Church was still in Fayette.  Oliver Cowdery and
others were called to go towards the west, to the “borders of the Lamanites.”  
p. 762 my emphasis (Essentials in Church History, pp. 112, 114.)

1926-2:  "Prayer, Dedicating the Lands of South America to the Preaching
of the Gospel," by Elder Melvin J. Ballard, April 1926 Improvement Era

On December 25, 1925,...

And we also pray that we may see the beginning of the fulfilment of thy
promises contained in the Book of Mormon to the Indian of this land,
who is a descendant of Lehi, millions of whom reside in this country,
who have long been downtrodden, and have borne many afflictions and
suffered because of sin and transgression, even as the prophets of the
Book of Mormon did foretell. But thou didst inspire these prophets to
promise their descendants that thou wouldst bring forth, in the latter days,
the records of their fathers; and that when these records were presented
to their children, they would begin to believe, and when they would do this,
thy favor would return to them; and then thou wouldst remember the
promises made to their fathers, that if their descendants would repent and
receive the gospel, they would begin to be prospered and blessed on the
land and would again become a white and delightsome people. O
Father, let thy Spirit work upon them, and manifest the truth of these things
unto them, as we, and thy servants who shall follow us, shall bear witness
of thy precious promises unto this branch of the house of Israel.[3]
    In connection with the offering of the foregoing prayer, the following
hymns were sung:...They blessed one another, and felt that, as a result of
opening this mission, many Europeans in this land would receive the gospel,
but that ultimately the great import of this mission would be to the
Indians, the descendants of father Lehi…    p. 575-577

1926-3Missionary Themes No. 2, Manual for the Priest’s Quorums
Prepared by Elder Nephi Jensen Under the Direction of the 
Presiding Bishopric of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints

Lesson Nineteen 
A White and Blessed People
When the Indians or Lamanites receive and obey the Gospel in our 
day and from henceforth, they shall become as white and blessed
 a people as any in the Church today...

References & Accompanying Content for 1927

1927-1:  The Book of Mormon, Historical and Prophetic Phases, by Elder
Orson F. Whitney September 1927 Improvement Era

The Angel Moroni

The Angel gave his name as Moroni and stated that while in mortal life he had
ministered as a prophet to an ancient people called Nephites,...a remnant of
the tribe of Joseph mixed with a remnant of the tribe of Judah….These blended
colonies had inhabited the Americas down to about the beginning of the fourth
century of the Christian era, when the civilized but degenerate Nephites were
destroyed by a savage faction known as Lamanites, ancestors of the
present-day American Indians.  pp. 942-43  my emphasis

References & Accompanying Content for 1928

1928-1:  A Brief History of the COJCOLDS, by Edward H. Anderson, Published
by the Missions of the COJCOLDS in America, Copyrighted in 1926 by Heber
J. Grant for the COJCOLDS (1928 Edition)

Chapter VIII:  Mission to the Lamanites

Oliver Cowdery was...called to preach the gospel to the Lamanites…*  p. 38  
my emphasis
*D&C 28: 1-8

    At a three days’ conference in Fayette; the second held in the Church,
beginning September 1, 1830....At this conference, two revelations were given
(Doctrine & Covenants Sections 30 & 31) calling a number of the brethren on
missions; and soon after its adjournment, preparations were made for
introducing the gospel to the Lamanites, or Indians, in conformity with the
revealed word.”*  p. 38-39 my emphasis
*Doctrine & Covenants, Section 32.

    The Indians, according to the belief of the Saints, which is founded upon
the statements of the Book of Mormon, are a branch of the House of Israel,
and are therefore to hear the word of God so they may carry out their portion
of the great gospel program,...Hence,the calling of missionaries,... to present
the true gospel to them [Indians], together with the Book of Mormon, a record
of the hand-dealings of God with their forefathers [from the Book of Mormon].
p. 39    my emphasis

   The men selected by revelation* to perform this first distant mission, “to go
into the wilderness, through the western states, and into the Indian territory,
were Oliver Cowdery, Peter Whitmer, Jr., Parley P. Pratt and Ziba Peterson.  
While they were specially called to the Indians, they were nevertheless to
preach whenever opportunity offered.  pp. 39-40 my emphasis
*Doctrine & Covenants, Sections 28, 30 and 32.

Returning west, he [Parley Pratt] met, the Prophet Joseph at Manchester,
being soon thereafter called to fill the before-mentioned mission to the
Lamanites or Indians.

    Late in October, the four Elders began their westward journey,...Near
Buffalo, they presented their interesting message to the Catteraugus
Indians, giving them copies of the Book of Mormon.  They were kindly
received by the red men… p. 40   my emphasis

    At Sandusky, in Western Ohio, the Wyandots [Indians] were visited,
which tribe rejoiced in the strange tidings revealed to them of their
forefathers, and of the restored gospel…

At length, Independence, Jackson county, in the extreme western frontier
of Missouri, was reached…p. 41  my emphasis

    Two of the brethren remained at tailor work in Independence, while
Elders Pratt and Cowdery crossed the frontier to the Indians, tarrying one
night with the Shawnees [Indians]; after which they crossed the Kansas
River to the Delawares [Indians]....After some hesitancy, on the part of the
[Delaware] chief, a council was called and Oliver Cowdery was permitted to
address the Indians…   p.42 my emphasis

1928-2October 1928 [General] Conference Report, Elder Levi 
Edgar Young

Like the Bible, the Book of Mormon “is a record of the unfolding of the divine
revelation to a remarkable race of people.” This people we believe were the
forebears of the American Indians.
    The Book of Mormon is a history of the Hebraic institutions of the American
continent as well as an exposition of Judaism.  p. 104 my emphasis

References & Accompanying Content for 1929

1929-1:  Steps in the Organizing of The Church, by L. Valess Dewey, October
15, 1929 Liahona, The Elders' Journal (Official Organ of the Missions of the
COJCOLDS in America)

Thus we read in the Doctrine and Covenants:  “And again, I command thee
[Martin Harris] that thou shalt...impart it [Martin Harris’ property] freely to the
printing of the Book of Mormon,... that soon it may go to the Jew, of whom the
Lamanites (Indians) are a remnant, that they may believe the Gospel, and
look not for a Messiah to come who has already come.”  (D&C Section 19,
verses 26 to 28) p. 197  my emphasis

1929-2:  April 1929 Conference Report, Presiding Patriarch Hyrum G. Smith

The Blessings of Ephraim and Manasseh

"... the blood of Manasseh is found in the tribes and nations of the Indians
of North and South America."    p 123   my emphasis

1929-3:  A Dictionary of the Book of Mormon,” by Elder George Reynolds,
Deseret Sunday School Union 1929, Copyright 1910 by Joseph F. Smith for
the Deseret Sunday School Union
Preface To First Edition
“...To the members of the Theological Classes of the COJCOLDS, whether
of the Quorums of the Priesthood, of the Sunday Schools, Church
Schools, or Improvement Associations, we particularly submit this book--the
first of its kind--believing it will afford them material help in their investigations
of Book of Mormon subjects, and their study of Nephite and Jaredite history;...”    
[Elder] George Reynolds, January, 1892.
Preface To Second Edition
“The increasing demand has made a new edition of this valuable work necessary.  
We herewith present it with a pronouncing vocabulary added.  This feature alone
makes this book invaluable to students of the Book of Mormon.”
D. S. S. Union [Deseret Sunday School Union], March, 1910.
"The Use of Dictionaries and Commentaries," Juvenile Instructor, Sept. 15, 1903,
Vol. 38. No. 18, p. 563
On the Book of Mormon we have such helps as the “Dictionary of the Book of
Mormon,” and the “Story of the Book of Mormon,” written by Superintendent
[Elder] George Reynolds, a lifelong and devoted student of the Book of Mormon,

whose authority on that book, is accepted throughout the Church.

Ishmael.  A righteous Israelite of the tribe of Ephraim, who with his family,
which was large, lived in Jerusalem, B.C. 600...he had five marriageable
daughters, besides several grown up sons.  p. 134
Soon after the arrival of the party at the tents of Lehi, the eldest daughter
of Ishmael was married to Zoram, and four others wedded the sons of
Lehi.  p. 135   my emphasis

Ishmaelites.  The descendants of that Ishmael who, with his family, left his
home in Jerusalem and accompanied Lehi on his journey to the promised
land.  After the death Lehi they became absorbed in the Lamanite race
and formed a part of the people.  p. 136 my emphasis

Israelites.  The people of Israel; called by that name once in the Book of
Mormon (Helaman 8:11.)  p. 136 my emphasis

Jacob.  The elder of the two sons born to Lehi and Sariah...he being of the
tribe of Manasseh….  p. 136      my emphasis

Jacob.   The Bible patriarch of that name.  Individually he is seldom referred
to in the Book of Mormon, but the Israelites are frequently spoken of as the
seed or the house of Jacob…  p. 141      my emphasis

Joseph.  The son of the patriarch Jacob, and the ancestor of the Nephites
and Lamanites.  Lehi was descended from his son Manasseh, and
Ishmael from Ephraim….The Nephites are frequently called, by their
teachers, the seed or house of Joseph.  p. 172       my emphasis

Laman.  The eldest son of Lehi and Sariah….Those who remained with
Laman were his own family, Lemuel and his family, and the sons of Ishmael
and their families.

Lamanites, The.  The people who, in connection with their kindred, the
Nephites, occupied the American continent from about B.C. 590 to A.D. 385,
in which latter year they destroyed the Nephites and remained possessors of
the entire land.  The American Indians are their [Lamanites] degraded
descendants. These people were of Hebrew origin, being members of the
half tribe of Manasseh, and are called Lamanites, from Laman, the eldest son
of Lehi…   p. 183      my emphasis

Lehi.  A Hebrew prophet, of the tribe of Manasseh...Zoram married Ishmael’s
eldest daughter [from the tribe of Ephraim] , and the four sons of Lehi espoused
four younger ones [Ishmael’s daughter from the tribe of Ephraim]...
pp. 184-185   my emphasis

Manasseh.  This name is used in two ways in the Book of Mormon; (1) For
the kingdom or people of Israel (11 Nephi 19:21), in a quotation from the
writings of Isaiah; and (2) for the son of Joseph, in the statement (Alma 10:3)
that Lehi was one of this patriarch’s descendants.  p. 200    my emphasis

Nephites, The.  A people descended from Manasseh, the son of Joseph,
named after Nephi, the fourth son of Lehi, who in connection with the
Lamanites occupied the American continent from about B.C. 590 to A.D. 385,
when they were destroyed by the latter race….

Zoram.  The servant of Laban (B.C. 600), afterwards the friend of Nephi.  In
the valley of Lemuel, Zoram married the eldest daughter of Ishmael [from the
tribe of Ephraim.]    pp. 312-313     my emphasis

1929-4:  October 1929 [General] Conference Report,  Elder Levi Edgar Young
The Standard Books of Scripture of the Restored Church Contain the Gospel of
Jesus Christ in Its Fulness,” October 15, 1929 Liahona, The Elders’ Journal, Vol.
27, No. 9—884, Elder Levi Edgar Young, (Address Delivered at the Ninety-Ninth
Annual Conference of the Church), p. 195

The Book of Mormon teaches that these same Semitic institutions which the
forefathers of the American Indians had in their native country in Asia were
brought to America, and under new environment and conditions, were developed
in this land.  p. 84 my emphasis

References & Accompanying Content for 1930

1930-1: April 1930 Conference Report, Elder Miles L. Jones,

“He [Mr. R.C. Preble] then stated that in the extent of time those who were the
most industrious in building cities were destroyed by the people called Lamanites,
now known as the American Indians;..”  p. 124

1930-2:  April 1930 Conference Report,  Elder Melvin J. Ballard,

The Day of Israel
Many years ago while doing missionary work in Montana I was given to understand
by the whispering of the Spirit, as I wondered why the Lamanites had not been
brought into the Church at an earlier period--the Lord made
known to me that there were many things that he had to do for them before
they were prepared to accept the Gospel message.

I was impressed with it on that memorable Christmas morning in 1925 in
South America when Brother Wells, Brother Pratt and I knelt...on the banks
of the Rio de la Plata and dedicated the land for the spreading of the
Gospel,...and the Spirit of the Almighty was upon us….

Then we saw the day when it [the gospel message] would go to the fifteen million
of Father Lehi's children who are in that land,..For, for that very
purpose, we read in the third section of the book of D&C, was the Book of
Mormon given, to bring them, the Lamanites, to a knowledge of the truth.
p. 156  my emphasis

1930-3: Joseph Smith, A Modern American Prophet II, by John Henry Evans,
August 1930 Improvement Era (Organ of the Priesthood Quorums, the Mutual
Improvement Associations and the Department of Education of the COJCOLDS)

Content [Page]

Are you reading “Joseph Smith, A Modern American Prophet,” the second
chapter of which appears in the current number?  The story is told by John
Henry Evans so graphically that one is introduced into the heart and mind of
the oppressed youth in a manner not usually had by readers of our Church
history.  Young people as well as adults will find it interesting and
faith-promoting reading.  p. 657

“Joseph Smith, A Modern American Prophet II” by John Henry Evans

“Joseph,” he says, “I am an angel sent from the presence of God with a
message to you.  My name is Moroni.  I once lived as a man on this continent,
but I died, and have been raised from the dead.

“My people were called the Nephites.  They, with the Lamanites, are the
ancestors of the present American Indians, as your people have named
them.  They came from Jerusalem 600 years before Christ.  I myself lived
here in the fourth century after our Savior’s birth.  My people [Nephites]
were destroyed on account of their wickedness.

“When my people, the Nephites, lived here, they wrote their doings and
sayings on plates of gold.  These they handed down from one generation to
another, till they reached my hands.  My father, whose name was Mormon,
made an abridgement of all the records of my ancestors, and gave it to me,
with other records, to finish, and then to hide away in the earth, so that future
peoples, especially those of my own race [the Lamanites because Moroni
said his people, the Nephites, were destroyed on account of their
wickedness.], might read them and come to a knowledge of their
forefathers and also to a knowledge of Christ….
That is the substance, though not the exact language, of the angel’s message
on this occasion…       p. 679 my emphasis

1930-4:  "Truth Seeking,” November 1930 Improvement Era (Organ of the Priesthood Quorums, the Mutual Improvement Associations, the Dept. of Ed. of the COJCOLDS)

“...the Book of Mormon is the only record in the world world which gives
the truth of the origin of the American Indians…”   p. 44  my emphasis