Tuesday, November 13, 2018

Part 8 (1971-1980)

References & Accompanying Content for 1971

1971-1:  The Lamanites,” (Introduction) Special Lamanite Section
July 1971 Ensign

As we attempt to solve the complex puzzle we call life, there is a constant
search for elements that will clarify the picture. For members of The Church
of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, one of the keys to this great pattern of
existence is the group of people known as Lamanites. Those not of the
Church call these people Indians, although the term actually refers to a
broader group than that.
Most members of the Church know that the Lamanites, who consist of
the Indians of all the Americas as well as the islanders of the Pacific,
are a people with a special heritage. They are also a people with special
problems in relation to contemporary society.
This issue of the Ensign examines the promises and problems of the
Lamanites and at the same time hopefully will alert the non-Lamanite Latter-
day Saint to his responsibilities. The whole story is not here, of course, but
there are some significant ideas to be found. The theme or tone of this special
presentation is in the article on page 6, “Of Royal Blood,” by President Spencer
W. Kimball, Acting President of the Council of the Twelve.    p. 5 my emphasis

1971-2:  The Church and the Lamanites,” Our Readers Write,
October 1971 Ensign

The Church and the Lamanites
It was interesting for us to read the article and poem by Stella Mosqueda
Numkena in the Lamanite section of the July Ensign [page 79]. I first
became aware of her talent in a poem “Live Proud and Free” in the
August 1968 Lamanite issue of the Improvement Era, and I was
pleased that she is still expressing her feelings to others through our

Church publications.

Stella is a Yakima Indian from Longview, Washington, and a convert to the
Church through the seminary system. Her husband, Wilfred Numkena, is a
Hopi from Moenkopi, Arizona, a graduate of the Indian placement
program, and has completed a mission to his people in the Southwest; he
is now attending Brigham Young University. My family and I saw him in the
production From the Eagles’ Bed both at BYU and in Salt Lake City. He is
a gifted singer as well as a fine actor.

As a foster family, we are grateful for the opportunity to know of the blessings
that come to both family and student from participation in the placement
program, and we are always thrilled to see the progress made by these
young students who have been influenced by one or more of the special
Church programs that are available for our Indian brothers and sisters.
My personal thanks for the articles written by and about the Lamanites of the
Betty T. North
Sandy, Utah

1971- 3:  “1971-72 Relief Society Courses of Study,” Published by the
Relief Society of the COJCOLDS 1971, Copyright 1971 Corporation
of the President the COJCOLDS

Spiritual Living Lesson 9-Abraham’s Seed

Jacob or Israel
Jacob, father of Joseph and grandfather of Ephraim and Manasseh, sons of
Joseph [all Hebrews], gave them blessings that have been literally fulfilled in
the peopling of America by their descendants. (Gen. 48:1-22; 49;22-26;
2Ne. 3:3-5.) p.25

1971-4:  Of Royal Blood, by President Spencer W. Kimball, Special
Lamanite Section, July 1971 Ensign (This article was adapted from an
address delivered at the Lamanite Youth Conference in Salt Lake City on
April 24, 1971)

The term Lamanite includes all Indians and Indian mixtures, such as the
Polynesians, the Guatemalans, the Peruvians, as well as the Sioux, the
Apache, the Mohawk, the Navajo, and others...”

1971-5 (Part 1 of 2): Lamanites and the Church,” by M. Dallas Burnett,
July 1971 Ensign

Nine Indian youngsters were taken into Latter-day Saint homes the next fall
[1948]. It was an informal beginning that has grown into the Indian Student
Placement program, touching the lives of more than five thousand
Lamanite students during the past school year.  And it could further be
identified as a new awakening on the part of members of the Church to the
Lamanite and his prophetic destiny.

The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints is unique in its theological
and philosophical understanding of the peoples in the Americas known as
Indians and of the inhabitants of the Pacific islands. These people are
a remnant of the House of Jacob and descendants of Lehi, an Israelite
who left Jerusalem and came to the Americas around 600 B.C. Found in
the Book of Mormon, a record of revelations received by these ancient
peoples, are great promises for the Lamanites.

These prophetic promises prompted Joseph Smith, who translated and
published the Book of Mormon in 1830, to carry the gospel to the Lamanites
in the very early days of the Church’s existence. And from that day until this
the gospel has been preached to those who are identified as Lamanites.  
my emphasis

From the early proselyting activities started by Joseph Smith,...has grown a broad
group of programs in support of the Indian, theologically as well as temporally.

Today, as never before, the Church is carrying the gospel to the Lamanites,...
Overall direction for Church programs of special interest to the Lamanites rests
with Elder Marion G. Romney of the Council of the Twelve,...

In addition to the basic Church program, the Lamanites are served by the general
auxiliaries, the Lamanite seminary program, the Lamanite student placement
program, the Brigham Young University Lamanite education program,...

Further, Lamanite members of the Church should realize the strength that
they are adding to the Church not only in numbers but in testimony and service.

1971-5 (Part 2 of 2): Lamanites and the Church,” by M. Dallas Burnett,
July 1971 Ensign
One young Lamanite Latter-day Saint at Brigham Young University feels
this growth. Howard Ranier, a Taos-Pueblo who,...said, “The wonderful
prophecies of the Church are being fulfilled at such an accelerated pace that
the Lamanites must now consider their place in this great work,...The time
has come for Lamanites to awaken to the fact that they can be experts and
work side by side with non-Lamanites in building Indian Israel.

Howard is only one of literally thousands of Lamanites who have been
influenced by one or more of the special Church programs.  my emphasis

During this year over 16,000 youngsters from elementary through high school
age have been involved in Indian seminary programs in the United States
and Canada. The enrollment of Lamanite students at Brigham Young
University reached 548 during the spring semester,...As an aside, there are
more Indian students at BYU than any other Anglo college in the United States.

It has already been noted that more than five thousand youngsters from
reservations throughout the United States and Canada spent the last school
year with non-Lamanite Latter-day Saint families. Even though there are some
problems and frustrations, this great program widens the vision of the Indian

Possibly the most important thing that could be said about the Lamanite
programs of the Church is that they are developing leadership and strength
among the Lamanites. The gospel of Jesus Christ brings men and women to
a greater measure of their potential, and nowhere is this more evident than
among the Lamanite members of the Church.

And on the other side of the coin, the vestiges of paternalism and prejudice
among the non-Lamanites in the Church are being worn away.

Many of the missionaries who are preaching the gospel to the Lamanites are
Lamanites themselves. (Church Information Service.)   my emphasis

1971-6:  Hope For The American Indian?,” by Lawrence E. Cummins,
July 1971 Ensign

“There is a very special responsibility for Latter-day Saints to be sensitive to
the needs of the Lamanites (Indians) wherever they are in the world. The
role of the Lamanite in the program of the restoration is significant,...”

1971-7:  People and Places (Salt Lake City),” August, 1971 New Era

Salt Lake City
From the ends of the Western Hemisphere they came to Salt Lake City,
Church headquarters for the All-Lamanite Youth Conference.

Gathered together...each of the eight hundred Lamanite youths at one
time or another during the conference answered to himself the theme
question: “A Lamanite: Who Am I?”

He [President Spencer W. Kimball] said that a short time back he and
Sister Kimball were in Tonga where...there are three large stakes, two of
them presided over wholly by Lamanites,...In Samoa he saw three more
stakes—now there are four—all with Lamanite leaders….

He [President Spencer W. Kimball] said...In 1963, 23 percent of all the
baptisms in the Church were Lamanite baptisms. There were over 25,000
that year,...Today the four leading baptizing missions in the Church are
Lamanite missions. There are approximately a quarter of a million
Lamanites in the Church today

References & Accompanying Content for 1972

1972-1:  Book of Mormon SUPPLEMENT,published by the Sunday School
of the COJCOLDS and Copyrighted in 1972 by the Corporation of the President
of  the COJCOLDS

Script of Filmstrip, Overview of the Book of Mormon

32. Then, in vision, Nephi saw Columbus led across the ocean by the spirit of
God, where he found the remainder of those people once known as
Lamanites.  He called them Indians.  p. 3   my emphasis

1972-2:  What Is a Lamanite?,” by Harold Brown, September 1972 Ensign,
This article [is an] imaginary conversation,...

Marta Valdez from Peru...felt that the large Indian or Lamanite population in
her country would find important stimulus in knowing why the great pre-Incan
empire of their ancestors had declined…

“We Peruvian members of the Church can and must awaken the Lamanites
in our country to a proper vision of their worth,...

The Argentina North Mission and the mission in Paraguay have many

Brother Lynn, summarizing this revealing discussion, made the following

1. The redemption of the Lamanite as a remnant of scattered Israel, in
accordance with Book of Mormon prophecy, is one of the vital responsibilities
and opportunities of the restored church
3. As the gospel is taught in various nations of the Americas and on the Pacific
islands, missionary programs for Lamanite and mestizo segments of the
population [“...(the mestizo being of both gentile and Lamanite origins)…,”
mentioned later in this article] might well be adapted to the language and the
ethnic position of the descendants of Father Lehi in each nation... my emphasis

1972-3:  May the Kingdom of God Go Forth,” by President Harold B. Lee,
October 1972 General Conference, January 1973 Ensign

We witnessed a short while ago the outpouring of love and fellowship that
was in evidence in the great regional conference of our wonderful Lamanite
Saints from Central America and Mexico, assembled in Mexico City in
August. Over 16,000 Saints were gathered together in a great auditorium,
where they sustained their General Authorities.

1972-4:  The Holy Land,” by James R. Clark, May 1972 Ensign

In 1897 President Wilford Woodruff and his counselors wrote the following
to their “Beloved Brethren and Sisters” in Turkey:
“...This we know,...the American Indians, who are of the house of Israel
must be converted and become workers in His cause.”

1972-5:  My Reasons For Joining TCOJCOLDS,” by R. M. Bryce Thomas,
published by TCOJCOLDS and copyrighted in February of 1972, [1972
Church Pamphlet]

The voice of the ancient prophets and seers of the tribe of Joseph (the
Lamanites or American Indians) has now at last spoken…,in the
discovery of their writings, on the plates of gold, which had been buried in
the hill Cumorah…” p. 28    my emphasis

1972-6:  The Remarkable Mexico City Area Conference,” by Jay M. Todd,

In remarks given at a press conference, President Lee said, “Every time I come
to this republic I am touched by the deep faith, the dedication, and the warm
friendliness of the Mexican people. They are a choice people. There is in
Mexico and Central America a superabundance of the blood of Israel.”
my emphasis

References & Accompanying Content for 1973

1973-1:  L Is for Indian And Other Family Projects,” by Eileen G. Krump,
August 1973 Ensign

Indian, of course, for every LDS child knows that an Indian is called a Lamanite.”

References & Accompanying Content for 1974

1974-1:  President Spencer W. Kimball: No Ordinary Man,” by Elder Boyd K.
Packer, March 1974 Ensign

There are more than 60 million people of Lamanite extraction. It is no
accident that the Church now prospers among them in Mexico, Central and
South America, in the islands of the sea, and among the Indian tribes of
North America.  p. 3  my emphasis

1974-2:  Introduction to the Book of Mormon-Religion 123 (Instructor’s Guide, Bi-
weekly Lessons) Church Ed. System, Dept. of Seminaries and Institutes
of Religion, Copyright 1974 by The Corporation of The President of TCOJCOLDS

IV.  The Gentiles and the Gospel

C.  Joseph Fielding Smith:

There are many races on the earth not members of the Church whom the
Mormons do not class as Gentiles.  The Polynesians, the American Indians,
Jews, Arabs, and other races of Semitic origin who trace their lineage back to
Abraham [a Hebrew] are not Gentiles…..  p. 126 [In other words, among
others, ALL  Polynesians, American Indians, Jews and Arabs are
genetically related to Hebrews]

VI. Making The Gospel Available to the Lamanites

Spencer W. Kimball. Members should pray night and morning that the blessings
of the Lord might be brought to the Lamanites.  Joseph Smith said the
westward movement of the Church was to bring the gospel to the Indians.  
Brigham Young said the gathering in the Rocky Mountains would open the door
for establishing the gospel among the Lamanites.   p. 160
VI.  Making The Gospel Available To The Lamanites

The Prophet Joseph Smith gave us the thought that the Lord brought us out
here [Rocky Mountains] from the East to bring the gospel to the Lamanites.   
One of the most important things that can possibly happen in this Dispensation
of the Fulness of Times is to bring to the Lamanites a knowledge of God.

He says:
“...there will be tens of thousands of Latter-day Saints who will gather in the
Rock Mountains, and there they will open the door for establishing the gospel
among the Lamanites,...”  Brigham Young...said that the Lord could not have
devised a better plan than to put us where we are [Rocky Mountains] in order
to accomplish that very thing of educating and teaching the Lamanites.  Our
ancestors came a thousand miles across the desert,....to locate where the
Gentiles had scattered the Lamanites.  They had pretty well ‘reservationed’
them here in the western states.  They [Lamanites/Indians] were in our
every county [of Utah], and the Lord brought us out here that we might teach
them the gospel. (Spencer W. Kimball in Conference Report of TCOJCOLDS,
Oct. 1950, pp. 63, 65-66. Hereafter referred to as CR.)  p. 167 my emphasis

1974-3: "Lamanites and the Book of Mormon," [1974 COJCOLDS-published

[Photo of a Native
American Youth at
the top of page 1.]
A Lamanite youth speaks in a Church meeting.
[The pamphlet’s description of this photo.]

You native Americans who are called Indians-who are you?...

The Book of Mormon:  A History of Your [native American/Indian’s] Ancestors

    The Book of Mormon is a history of your people [the native Americans
who are called Indians]...  p. 1

...The Book of Mormon tells how your forefathers came from Jerusalem [to
America] about 600 years before the birth of Jesus Christ...   p. 2
    Two groups formed [from your forefathers from Jerusalem] and fought
each other.  One group called themselves Nephites, and the other group was
known as Lamanites.  The Lamanites were marked by the Lord with a
darker skin.  p. 2  my emphasis
Then they began to forget the Lord again and they separated into two groups
again--the Nephites and the Lamanites.  You are descendants of the
Lamanites.    p. 5
    Members of the Church feel a responsibility to the Lamanite people,
whose forefathers originally wrote the Book of Mormon. The Lord has
given his restored church the responsibility of returning your book to you
and of teaching you its message.  p. 6 my emphasis

1974-4:  President Spencer W. Kimball Ordained Twelfth President of the Church,
by David Mitchell (February 1974 Ensign)

On Monday, December 31, a press conference was held to announce the
actions of the previous day.  President Kimball made the following comments:

“...I have been especially interested in the Indian program...We have 60
million people in this hemisphere that we call Lamanites.  They are the
descendants of people who came over here long ago, 600 years before Christ.  
They are of Ephraim and Manasseh...”
References & Accompanying Content for 1975

1975-1:  Book of Mormon (1 NEPHI THROUGH ALMA 29)-Gospel Doctrine
Teacher’s Supplement, Published by the COJCOLDS, Salt Lake City, Utah 1975

Lesson 2 Title Page; Jacob 1:2-8

Introduction: What Is The Book of Mormon?

Give each class member a pencil and a small sheet of paper. To introduce the
lesson, suggest the following situation:

You are talking with a nonmember, and he asks you,  What is the Book of
Mormon?” Briefly write a one-sentence answer on the sheet of paper…

ASK:  How many of you wrote something like “It is the history of the
forefathers of the American Indians”?  p. 9

(TEACHERS SUPPLEMENT) Published by TCOJCOLDS, Copyright 1975
Corporation of the President of TCOJCOLDS


Unit 3, Lesson 29

Voices from the Past
The race, an overview of the B of M

Overview of the Book of Mormon
Script of Filmstrip

32. Then, in vision, Nephi saw Columbus led across the ocean by the spirit
of God, where he found the remainder of those people once known as
Lamanites.  He called them Indians.  p. 198
1975-3:  (FIRST PRESIDENCY MESSAGE) “Our Paths Have Met Again,”
by President Spencer W. Kimball, December 1975 Ensign

“This process of redeeming the Lamanite people has been far from easy,
especially for the Lamanites themselves.  For a thousand years after the
closing of the Book of Mormon record, these people wandered in spiritual
darkness and were scattered upon the American continents and the isles
of the sea….When Columbus came, these descendants of the Book of
Mormon peoples and those with whom, they had mixed numbered in the
millions and covered the islands of the Pacific and the Americas from
Point Barrow to Tierra del Fuego...” p. 2 ff*

So, my appeal today is for the Lamanites, all the lamanites, the Mexicans,
the Polynesians, the [American] Indians, to live the commandments of
God and prove themselves worthy of this choice land.

1975-4 (Part 1 of 2):  Mingled Destinies: The Lamanites and the Latter-day
Saints,” by Dean L. Larsen,  December 1975 Ensign

Elder Ballard made this reference to the work that would be done among the
Lamanites in the South American lands: “And we also pray that we may
see the beginning of the fulfillment of thy promises contained in the Book of
Mormon to the Indians of this land, who are descendants of Lehi, millions
of whom reside in this country, …” p. 8

Elder Wilford Woodruff said on January 12, 1873:
Those who came west with the Saints carried with them a vision of the
redemption of the Lamanites.  Actual experience with the Indian tribes
encountered in the western settlement did not always serve to brighten this
vision,...  my emphasis

President Brigham Young,...In July of 1866 he said,..As we have here an
assemblage of the people from other settlements, I wish to impress them
with the necessity of treating the Indians with kindness,…If the Elders of
Israel had always treated the Lamanites as they should, I do not believe
that we should have had any difficulty with them at all.” (JD11:263.)

...Elder Melvin J. Ballard, accompanied by Elders Rulon S. Wells and Rey
L. Pratt, knelt...near the bank of the Rio de la Plata in the city of Buenos
Aires, Argentina, and dedicated the land of South America to the
preaching of the gospel. In his prayer,...
Elder Ballard made this reference to the work that would be done among
the Lamanites in the South American lands:

1975-4 (Part 2 of 2):  Mingled Destinies: The Lamanites and the Latter-day
Saints,” by Dean L. Larsen,  December 1975 Ensign

“And we also pray that we may see the beginning of the fulfilment of thy
promises contained in the Book of Mormon to the Indians of this land,
who are descendants of Lehi, millions of whom reside in this country,...
(Sermons and Missionary Services of Melvin J. Ballard, Bryant S. Hinckley,
Deseret Book Co., 1949, pp. 96–97.)  my emphasis

Although many other enterprises among the Lamanites of North and
South America and the islands of the Pacific have met with outstanding
success over the years, perhaps the most dramatic events in the Church’s
efforts among the Lamanites have occurred during the past twenty years.

Nearly 16,000 students are attending Church-operated schools in Chile, Peru,
Bolivia, Paraguay, Mexico, Fiji, New Zealand, Western Samoa, Tahiti, and
Tonga. The great majority of these students are of Lamanite descent….

One of the unique programs sponsored by the Church for Lamanite
members in the United States is the Indian Student Placement Program.
Through this program, thousands of Indian boys and girls have been
taken into the homes of non-Indian Church members...

It is estimated that there are currently 350,000 members of the Church who
are of Lamanite descent; this is slightly more than 10 percent of the total
Church membership.   my emphasis

1975-5:  A Conversation With Dallin H. Oaks, President of Brigham Young
University,” October 1975 Ensign

Our Lamanite program is not only valuable for the 500 Indian students
we enroll, but it is also the focus of an outreach program through our
Institute of American Indian Services that touches almost a hundred Indian

1975-6:  When Schools Are Few,” by Lane Johnson, Ensign December 1975

Where local education is limited, the Church Educational System is there
for thousands of Lamanite youth from Mexico to Polynesia.*

The Church Educational System has already made a remarkable contribution
in Lamanite areas. For example:

Programs are now functioning in more than twenty countries in Central
America, South America, the Pacific islands, and Mexico.

Currently in operation are sixty-three elementary and middle schools, one
preparatory school, and one normal school in Mexico, Chile, Paraguay,
Peru, Bolivia, New Zealand, Tonga, Tahiti, Western Samoa, and Fiji.
In addition, the Brigham Young University—Hawaii Campus serves natives
of the Pacific region. Schools under construction include the LDS
Technical School in Fiji and a new high School in Vava’u, Tonga.

More than 17,000 elementary and secondary students are enrolled in the
basic academic and vocational programs of the Church schools outside
the United States and Canada. The great majority of these students are
of Lamanite descent.

In Mexico, Central America, South America, and the islands of the
Pacificthe locale of the Lamanite—Church Educational System
programs have helped produce many capable leaders and have increased
the average economic status of Church members, thus raising Lamanite
members from illiteracy and poverty to positions of tremendous influence
for good in their families, their communities, their nations, and the Church.

“Literacy and education are vital for able leadership.” Church
schools are helping to provide that education for thousands
of Lamanites in twenty countries around the world.

1975-7: Lamanite Performers to Tour South America,” News of the Church,
July 1975 Ensign  
The “Lamanite Generation,” a performing group from Brigham Young
University, is on a six-week tour of South America, presenting shows in 23 cities…

The group, composed mainly of students with Lamanite heritage, schedules
one major tour each summer and several others during the school year...

1975-8:  “Elder George Patrick Lee of the First Quorum of the Seventy,”

November 1975 Ensign, News of the Church


Elder Lee is a full-blood Navajo Indian from Towaoc, Colorado, and Shiprock,
New Mexico. He was born March 23, 1943, to Pete and Mae K. Redwoman
Lee. In the 1950s he was one of the first participants in the Church Indian
Placement Program and later went on to receive a bachelor’s degree from
Brigham Young University, a master’s from Utah State University, and a
doctorate from BYU. He married Katherine Hettick, a Comanche Indian, and
they have two sons and a daughter.
President Kimball has informed President Lee that he will continue to serve
as president of the Arizona Holbrook Mission, to which he was called just this
year. The mission includes the Navajo Reservation. He is the first Lamanite
and first American Indian to become a General Authority.

References & Accompanying Content for 1976

1976-1:  A Report and a Challenge,” by President Spencer W. Kimball,
November 1976 Ensign

Lamanite Work
Our Lamanite work has been going forward. The American Indians and others
of the Lamanites, 60 million or more of them in South and Central America
and Mexico and the islands, are accepting the gospel...

We are told that there are some thirty-six missions directed largely toward
the Lamanite people. There are sixty stakes,...which have large Lamanite

The Book of Mormon prophecy which promises “nursing fathers and nursing
mothers” for the Lamanites is being fulfilled. Some 10,000 or 15,000 Indian
students are being taught in the seminaries and other instructional institutions
of religion, and hundreds of the more mature students are receiving their
degrees from Brigham Young University, probably the greatest benefactor of
Lamanite students among all higher learning institutions... We are very proud
of our Lamanites...

1976-2:   "Lamanites and the Book of Mormon," [2/76 COJCOLDS Pamphlet]

[Photo of a Native
American Youth at
the top of page 1.]
A Lamanite youth speaks in a Church meeting.
[The pamphlet’s description of this photo.]

You native Americans who are called Indians-who are you?...

The Book of Mormon:  A History of Your [native American/Indian’s] Ancestors

    The Book of Mormon is a history of your people [the native Americans

who are called Indians]...  p. 1

...The Book of Mormon tells how your forefathers came from Jerusalem [to

America] about 600 years before the birth of Jesus Christ...   p. 2
    Two groups formed [from your forefathers from Jerusalem] and fought
each other.  One group called themselves Nephites, and the other group was
known as Lamanites.  The Lamanites were marked by the Lord with a
darker skin.  p. 2  my emphasis
Then they began to forget the Lord again and they separated into two groups
again--the Nephites and the Lamanites.  You are descendants of the
Lamanites.    p. 5
    Members of the Church feel a responsibility to the Lamanite people,
whose forefathers originally wrote the Book of Mormon. The Lord has
given his restored church the responsibility of returning your book to you
and of teaching you its message.  p. 6 my emphasis

1976-3:  The Lamanites Must Rise in Majesty and Power,” by J. Thomas Fyans
(Assistant to the Council of the Twelve) May 1976 Ensign

In a proclamation of the Twelve Apostles of the restored church in 1845, we

are told--speaking of the Lamanites [Indians] of North and South
America—“They will also come to the knowledge of their forefathers, and of
the fulness of the gospel; and they will embrace it and become a righteous
branch of the House of Israel.”  actually says, “We also bear testimony that
the "Indians" (so called) of North and South America are a remnant of the
tribes of Israel;...” So, All the Indians/natives of North and South America
are genetically of Hebrew descent]
(Proclamation of the Twelve Apostles of TCOJCOLDS, New York, “Prophet”
Office, Apr. 6, 1845, p. 3) (my emphasis)                                                             
[“This Proclamation of the Twelve Apostles” goes on to say, “Let the government
of the United States also continue to gather together, and to colonize the tribes
and remnants of Israel (the Indians), and also to feed, clothe, succor, and
protect them, and endeavor to civilize and unite; and also to bring them to the
knowledge of their Israelitish origin….He has revealed the origin and the
Records of the aboriginal tribes of America, and their future destiny—And we
know it ]

1976-4:  Book of Mormon Crossword Puzzle” by Ruth Christensen
(April 1976 Friend)

Down [Questions]

2. Indians are descendants of the _______ in the Book of Mormon.

7. All who were not Lamanites in the early Americas.


Down—(2) Lamanites, (7) Nephites

References & Accompanying Content for 1977

1977-1 (Part 1 of 2):  Book of Mormon, Institute of Religion Self
Instruction Program,” Copyrighted 1/77 by the COJCOLDS, PNS10059

Lamanites to be Gathered,” by Joseph Smith, Jun.

(1 Nephi 22: 12)  Much has been said and done of late by the general
government in relation to the Indians (Lamanites) within the territorial
limits of the United States.  One of the Most important points in the faith of
the Church of the Latter-day Saints, through the fullness of the everlasting
Gospel, is the gathering of Israel for whom the Lamanites constitute a
    The Book of Mormon has made known who Israel is, upon this continent.  
And while we behold the government of the United States gathering the
Indians [Lamanites], and locating them upon lands to be their own, how sweet
it is to think that they may one day be gathered by the Gospel!  (Jan. 6, 1836).
D.H.C. 2:357.  (Smith, Teachings, pp. 92-93.) p. 77
The Role of the Indian,” by Marion G. Romney

In 1849, Orson Pratt wrote:
...the fulness of the gospel, with its heavenly powers and blessings is now in
the midst of many powerful tribes or nations or Israel or Indians;...(Millennial
Star, October 1, 1849, p. 293.)...[The Role of the Indian, Speeches of the Year
(Provo, Utah; Brigham Young University Press, 1972], pp. 6-8.)  p. 600
The Lamanites to Rise in Majesty and Power,” by Spencer W. Kimball

   The Lamanites must rise in majesty and power.  We must look forward to
the day when they will be “white and delightsome” [2 Nephi 30:61],….they
shall build and occupy and fill the temples, and serve in them as the natives
are now serving in the Hawaiian Temple where I found last year the entire
service conducted by them [Lamanites] and done perfectly. (CR, Oct. 1947,
p. 22.) p. 669

1977-1 (Part 2 of 2):  Book of Mormon, Institute of Religion Self
Instruction Program,” Copyrighted 1/77 by the COJCOLDS, PNS10059

The Lamanite and the Gospel,” by Spencer W. Kimball
(BYU Campus Education Week General Assembly Address, 13 June 1969.)

The Promise of Enos

    I am sure that there were many who did not concern themselves, nor did
they care; but faithful Latter-day Saints looked with much concern on the
dwindling red man with apprehension, knowing the rich promises made to
them, remembering the promise made hundreds of years before Christ, when
Enos in his struggling with the Lord received a promise for the Lamanites.
p. 678

Lamanite Members of the Church

    There were nearly 19,000 Lamanites baptized this last year [1968].  
About three of ten of all the people in the world baptized are Lamanites
or their related brothers and sisters….

    In this holy house in Mesa, it is noted too that there are Navajo rugs and
Indian artifacts and pictures in the temple signifying that this temple especially
is to be used for the Lamanites...It is noted also that numerous Indians have
been married and sealed for eternity in the Salt Lake and all the other temples,
including the island temples.  pp. 679-680

Elder Packer and the Boy in Peru

    “This day of the Lamanite is here and the gospel brings opportunity.  
We are proud of the progress made by our red brethren…”   pp.680-681

1977-2:  Book of Mormon (Alma 30 Through Moroni 10)” Gospel Doctrine
Teacher’s Supplement Published by the COJCOLDS 1977, Copyright 3/77

Lesson 15, Alma 63
Statements of the General Authorities

1. “The Polynesian Saints are characterized by a tremendous faith. Why
do they have this great faith?  It is because these people are of the blood
of Israel...“As Latter-day Saints we have always believed that the
Polynesians are descendants of Lehi and blood relatives of the American
Indians, despite the contrary theories of other men.” (Mark E. Petersen,
Conference Report, Apr.1962, p. 112.)  pp. 61-62 my emphasis

1977-3:  FYI: For Your Information,” March 1977 New Era

Eagles and Pines from Bullhead and Thunder Butte

Throughout the U.S. and Canada there are 2,775 Lamanite students
representing 75 tribes on the Church’s placement program

1977-4:  Report of the Seminar for Regional Representatives,” by Jay M. Todd,
April 1977 General Conference, May 1977 Ensign

The President [Kimball] also noted that this same pattern [of church growth]
is evident in Mexico and Central America “where there are tens of thousands
of pure-blood Indians, or Lamanites.

He [President Kimball] reported that of the 840 stakes in the Church at present,

“89 stakes are entirely Lamanite,..[Who were these members that the
Church once, but no longer recognizes as Lamanites?]

1977-5: Relief Society Courses of Study 1977-78,” Copyright 1977 Corporation
of the President of TCOJCOLDS, Published by TCOJCOLDS

Conversion of the Lamanites
In the “Proclamation of the Twelve Apostles of TCOJCOLDS (dated New York,
April 6, 1845) it was stated:  “They [native Americans/the Lamanites] will
also come to a knowledge of their forefathers, and of  the fulness of the gospel,
and they will embrace it, and will become a righteous branch of the house of
There are millions of Lamanite descendants in South America, Central
America, Mexico, North America, and the Pacific Islands.  p. 43

References & Accompanying Content for 1978

1978-1:  D & C, Institute of Religion Self-instruction Program, Vol. Two,”
Course of Study For College-Age Adults of the Church Ed. System Publ.
Approved by the Adult Correlation Committee of TCOJCOLDS, ©  5/78

Lesson 3-The Vision

Supplementary Readings

Mortal Birthright

The Indians on the American continent are descendants of the tribes
of Ephraim, Judah, and Manasseh, we are told by the Book of Mormon.  
(Omni 15-19; l Nephi 5:14-16.) (Youth and the Church by Harold B. Lee,  pp.
164-168.)  p. 200

1978:2:  D & C, Sections 1-102 (Gospel Doctrine-Teacher’s Supplement)
Copyright 1978 the COJCOLDS, Published by the COJCOLDS

The Mission To The Western Border

An important mission was opened in September, 1830.  Oliver Cowdery,
Peter Whitmer, Parley P. Pratt, and Ziba Peterson were called to go on a
mission to the Lamanites (Indians)...They first visited the Catteraugus
Indians near Buffalo, New York.  p. 33

1978-3:  Living the Gospel in the Home,” by President Spencer W. Kimball,
May 1978 Ensign

“As I discussed this matter with Elder Boyd K. Packer, who is very much
interested in the Lamanite program, I found that we now have in the Church
nearly one-half million Lamanites—316,000 in America and 94,000 in
the islands of the sea…”*

1978-4:  Gospel Principles,” copyrighted in 1978 by the Corp. of the Pres.
of the COJCOLDS, published in 1978 by the Deseret Book Co.
[Designed as a church lesson/teacher’s manual and personal study guide]

The Lamanites Will Become A Great People

The Lord said that when his coming was near, the Lamanites would become
a righteous and respected people. He [“The Lord”] said:  “Before the great day
of the Lord shall come….the Lamanites shall blossom as the rose”
(D&C 49:24).  This sign is coming to pass as great numbers of Lamanites in
Central and South America and the South Pacific receive the blessings of
the gospel.  p. 258 my emphasis

The House of Israel Was Scattered

At about that time (600 B.C.) Lehi and his family left Jerusalem and settled on

the American continent. The Lamanites are descendants of Lehi's people.
p. 262 my emphasis


Book of Mormon: An account of God’s dealings with the people of the
American continents from about 2,200 years before the birth of Jesus
Christ to 421 years after Jesus Christ lived on the earth. p. 351 my emphasis

References & Accompanying Content for 1979

1979-1:  (First Presidency Message) "The Uttermost Parts of the Earth,"
by President Spencer W. Kimball, July 1979 Ensign, p.2ff

This is the beginning of a great fulfillment of prophecy and promise that the
gospel message would be carried back to these people, ideally by messengers
of their own great Lamanite heritage. …. The Missionary Department informs
us that more and more Lamanite young men are accepting mission calls.
There have been more stakes and wards organized in Lamanite areas….Much
more must be done, and the magnitude of Lamanite work in the heart of
Central and South America largely still awaits us.

1979-2:  Doctrine & Covenants and Church History (Gospel Doctrine
Teacher’s Supplement) published by the COJCOLDS and copyrighted in 1979
by the Corporation of the President of the COJCOLDS

Lesson 38 Spencer W. Kimball

Mission to the Lamanites
In 1946, Elder [Spencer W.] Kimball was called to head the Church’s Lamanite

*What modern-day groups may be called “Lamanites”? (American Indians,
the Mestizo peoples of Latin America, and the Polynesians.  Refer to Elder
Kimball’s summary of this point in his remark at general conference in October
1947, in Work with the Lamanites,” Kingdom, p. 145,....”) p. 194

What specifically can we do to help the Lamanites?  (Participate in such
programs as Indian student placement,... p. 194
[The preceding is a clear indication that the Mormon Church considered ALL
of the 1000s of Indians (from scores of different tribes) in THEIR Indian
Student Placement Program to be Lamanites.]

1979-3:  Presidents of the Church, They That Move the Cause of Zion,
Student Manual (Rel. 345) Published by TCOJCOLDS, Copyright 1979 Corp.
of the President of the COJCOLDS

Chapter 4 Restorer, Witness, Martyr

(18-11) A Prophet’s Vision and Compassion Led to Our Present-Day Concern
for the Lamanites

President Smith determined it was time to do something constructive for
these Indian people who had fallen into misfortune…

“He went to Pres. Heber J. Grant, (President Smith was then in the Council
of the Twelve), and asked him for permission to do work among the Indian
people which was granted. p. 202 (Spencer W. Kimball in Church News, 11
Apr. 1951, p. 11.)
(27-16) He Can see the Encouraging signs of Victory and the Promise of
the Future

“We now have Lamanite stake presidents, mission presidents, bishops, high
councilors, branch presidents, presidents of auxiliary organizations, and even
a General Authority [George P. Lee, a Navajo that was excommunicated by the
COJCOLDS] of the Lamanites.
Now we have numerous thousands of Lamanites.

“The Lamanites have received a promise that ‘Jacob shall flourish in the
wilderness, and the Lamanites shall blossom as the rose.’...They will be a
nation in a day; the chief shall be converted; the Indians will be ready for
redemption. pp. 308-309 (Spencer W. Kimball, Address given at the
Regional Representatives Seminar, 1 Apr. 1977, p. 12.)

1979-4:  My Kingdom Shall Roll Forth,” Readings in Church History,
Published by TCOJCOLDS, Copyright 1979 by Corp. of the President of

Chapter 10 Lorenzo Snow

1885  [Lorenzo Snow] Fills a short-term mission to the Lamanites in the
northwestern United States p. 67
Chapter 21: Spencer W. Kimball

Work with the Lamanites
In 1946 Elder Kimball was assigned to head the Church’s Lamanite work,...
As he explained in the April 1947 general conference:

I do not know when I began to love the children of Lehi….It may have come
from my patriarchal blessing which was given to me by patriarch Samuel
Claridge, when I was nine years of age.  One line of the blessing reads:

“You will preach the gospel to many people, but more especially to the

I have always had a sympathetic heart for the sons and daughters of Lehi,
and so, recently, when President Smith called Brother Cowley, Brother Ivins,
and myself to give attention to their problems and “...the work of disseminating
the gospel among the Indians...not only to the Indians close to us but also
over the world, in the islands of the sea and elsewhere….”  p. 145  my emphasis

1979-5:  Relief Society Courses Of Study 1979-80,” published by the
COJCOLDS, copyrighted in 1979 by the Corp. of the Pres. of TCOJCOLDS

...Lesson 9:  The Day of the Lamanite

Today’s Lamanites descend from survivors of the ancient American civilizations.  
These survivors have mixed with other lineages in the two Americas and in
the many islands of the Pacific.  Today’s worldwide distribution of Lamanites
is noted on the attached map [on p. 52].     p. 51
Worldwide Distribution of Lamanites” Map [p. 52]

[includes the] United States, Canada, Alaska, Mexico, Guatemala, Nicaragua,
Panamá, Guyana, Surinam, Venezuela, French Guyana, Colombia Ecuador,
Brasil, Bolivia, Hawaii, Mariana Islands, Caroline Islands Marshall Islands
Solomon Islands Samoa Islands Marquesas Islands, Illice Islands Society
Islands, Tahiti...p. 52
Gospel influence is evident in the examples of prophesied
accomplishments which follow:

1. Church Membership Growth.  Some of the first missionaries called by
the Prophet Joseph Smith in this dispensation were sent to teach the
Lamanites.  (See D&D 28:8, 32:2.)  The work has grown steadily since
that time, and by November, 1977, the Church statistical report showed
the worldwide Lamanite membership approaching one-half million
members.  p. 54

2.  Church Leadership Strength.  When the first Mexican stake was divided
in 1967, the new stake was organized with Lamanite leaders in all the
offices--a first in the history of the Lamanite people in this dispensation.  On
that occasion Elder Marion G. Romney was moved to say, “This is the day
of the Lamanite.  The prophecies are coming to pass”  (quoted by Howard W.
Hunter and Jack E. Jarrard, “300th stake in Church is formed in Mexico,”
Church News, 29 Jan. 1977, p. 4). p. 54

3. Cultural Advancement….Brigham Young University, for example, with
campuses at Laie, Hawaii, and Provo, Utah, has the largest Lamanite
enrollment of any private university in the United States…     p. 54
Location of Lamanite Populations--70 Million (p. 55)

                                                       Number Percentage
                                                                                                               of total
Mexico-----------------------------------46 Million------------------------------------65%
Central America---------------------------4---------------------------------------------6%
South America-----------------------------9--------------------------------------------13%
U.S. Spanish American-----------------9-------------------------------------------- 13%
U.S. and Canada Indian--------------1¼%-------------------------------------------2%
And Polynesian
Pacific Islands-----------------------------¾---------------------------------------------1%
Total--------------------------------------70 Million                     

References & Accompanying Content for 1980

1980-1:  My Kingdom Shall Roll Forth,” Readings in Church History,
Copyright 1979, 1980 by Corp. of the Pres. of TCOJCOLDS, Second edition

Chapter 21: Spencer W. Kimball

We have about a half-million children of Lehi in the islands of the sea, and
about sixty million of them in North and South America, about a third of
them perhaps, being pure-blood Indians, and about two-thirds are mixtures,
but they have the blood of Jacob in their veins… p. 145 (In Conference
Report, Apr. 1947, pp. 143-52)

1980-2:  Miracles among the Lamanites,” by Elder Gene R. Cook,
October 1980 General Conference
November 1980 Ensign

My family and I are presently living in South America among the Lamanites--the

children of Lehi, the people of the Book of Mormon, a people of great promise.
For a number of years we have been witnesses to spiritual miracles among
that people:

1.We have seen thousands ["...among the Lamanites--the children of Lehi,
the people of the Book of Mormon,...] converted to the Lord who had his law
put into their minds and written in their hearts (see Heb. 8:10).

What a miracle to behold! Only in part of the Lamanite world, in Latin
America alone, there are over 600,000 members of the Church, with 7,000
baptized nearly every month;...

A sister, as a young girl thousands of miles from her present home, is promised
in a patriarchal blessing that one day General Authorities will be served at her
humble table.  Today she is married to a Lamanite stake president with the
Prophetic statement fulfilled.

1980-3:  Do Not Weary by the Way,” by President Spencer W. Kimball,
We are very much impressed by the Lamanite program, which is so very
impressive to me, and we come to realize that this program is a reality. It is
not a question in our minds; it is a reality, and it is spread far and wide in
the world. We are very proud of the work that is being done. We are grateful
for it. We are greatly conscious of the fact that among the Lamanitesas
well as among all peoples of the other countries—we have a responsibility
to see that the gospel reaches their hearts and minds and that they
understand it.

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